Using Colors to Design a Room

Making use of colors is the most important decision that an interior designer has to take while designing any space. Painting the walls with wrong type of colors can make the look of the whole room worse; while painting the walls with the right type of colors can make the room look more appealing. Colors can be used to convey many feeling like soothe, excitement, etc. Thus colors should be used very cleverly in interior designing.
  1. Paint the walls of the rooms in different colors. If you are a peaceful person than choose light colors that are soothing, and if you are enthusiastic person than choose colors that are bright to suit your personality. Do proper research on the colors combination and only then apply it.
  2. You can also experiment with different colors and textures. Now-a-days people apply textures on the walls to give it a more attractive look. These textures come in various forms and are usually applied on one or two sides of the room.
  3. The ceiling is usually the part that is ignored. People paint all the walls creatively but forget the ceiling of the room and paint it white. You can paint the ceiling with a different color to give your room an altered look.
  4. Try and match the room furniture with the color of the walls. This will give the room a more pleasing look and will definitely appeal your guests.
  5. You can also use wall hangings to match the walls like art works or painting. Also making use of similar color accessories like flower vases, etc. help in decorating the room. This will augment the look of the room more than before.


Chemical Containers said...

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Sandi E. said...

Good tips. Painting the ceiling is a great idea, but be careful. If you use a dark color you will make your ceiling seem closer and may give yourself a "boxed in" feel. Most expects recommend painting the ceiling in the same color family as your walls, just a few shades lighter, or if you have very high ceilings darker! Keep in mind, any natural or artificial light will change the look of your colors.

Cast Iron Clawfoot Bathtub said...

You should definitely paint the rooms of your home in colors that suit your personality while at the same time tie in to your furniture. I find that my bathroom is my escape from everything, and a place to totally relax, so I use very soothing neutral colors such as green and light brown. I agree with you on the ceiling color, why paint it white when a contrasting color to the walls can look so much better.

Home Insulation said...

Absolutely true about the ceiling. Have to remember to do it in really good light too as otherwise it is impossible to see what you may have missed

Kevin Harris said...

Hello, i really like the tips on this page. I must agree, that the colors of paint inside the room should be appealing. I must say that color of your room should fit at your age. The simple color design the better!

Eric Graham Review said...


I really enjoyed reading your post since your article is packed with great information and tips. I find your tip regarding wall hangings. I never knew that you can use similar accessories like flower vases to enhance the beauty of the room. Thanks to your article!

Andreea said...

The colors are always important.Actualyy very,as they will always affect our emotions and actions.The informations in this post are very useful if you do not want to hire a decorator

leather beds said...

I am very happy to find someone providing information about paint color. My wife and I have found that each room should be carefully considered as to the feeling you want to create. We have a different feeling in several rooms and use complimentary colors to tie it all together. We have also found that it is very important to use non-toxic paint.

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